This Father’s Day, Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute would like to honor fathers with these six tips to keep your eyes healthy:

  1. Get Regular Eye Exams

One of the most important things you can do to preserve your vision is to get a comprehensive eye examination once a year if over 65 and less frequently if under 65.  There are many diseases that can lead to vision loss or even complete blindness if not treated right away.  An eye examination can potentially detect diseases before they cause substantial damage.

  1. Take Care of your Contact Lenses

If you wear contact lenses, make sure you replace your contact lens case every two to three months.  Contact lens cases are a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and other organisms, so make sure you replace your case often and store it in a clean, dry place.  Also be sure to use sterile, new solution each time you store your lenses and thoroughly clean your case before you refill it with new solution.  And, most importantly, do not sleep in your contact lenses.  Following these simple instructions can prevent eye infections.

  1. Protect your Eyes from the Sun and UV Rays

Make sure you wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

  1. Take a Break from the Computer Screen

Being in front of a computer screen all day long can definitely put a strain on your eyes.  In addition, your eyes can become dry because when you are concentrating on reading or looking at something for an extended period of time, you blink about half as much as you normally would.  Blinking is how we produce the fresh tears that moisten the surface of our eyes that keep our eyes free from irritants.  To solve this issue, use the 20-20-20 rule.  Every 20 minutes look 20 feet away (or more) from your computer or whatever you’re concentrating on for at least 20 seconds.  This will give your eyes a break and you will naturally blink once you have stopped concentrating.

  1. Protect your Eyes at Work

Make sure you protect your eyes at work.  About 2,000 workers per year experience job-related eye injuries according to the CDC.  These injuries range from small particles and objects being ejected by tools and landing in someone’s eye to chemical spills that splash into one’s eyes.  All these accidents can be prevented by wearing the proper eye protection gear and adhering to safety rules put in place by your workplace.  For more information on workplace eye health and safety.

  1. Don’t Smoke

Smoking is bad for your overall health and studies show that smoking is directly linked to age-related macular degeneration.  Smoking also increases your risk for developing cataracts.

On behalf of the Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute and staff, have a great Father’s Day!